
TARS Foundation Ambassadors are individuals who are passionate about microservices technology and projects, recognized for their expertise, and willing to help others learn about the framework and community.


  1. Already engaged with the project in some way whether that’s as a contributor, blogger, speaker, etc.
  2. Willing to speak at community events or write technical content such as blog posts.

Interested in becoming an ambassador of TARS Foundation?

Baoyin SHAN
Senior Backend Engineer, Tencent
Focusing on technology research and development in the field of distributed storage, Shan participates in the research and development of multiple self-developed storage systems by Tencent, and has extensive experience in the field of distributed systems, high-availability and high-performance services.
Defool Li
Senior Engineer, Tencent
Familar with TARS and open source service governance, Li is a TarsGo core developer and technical evangelist. He is responsible for the backend development of multiple cloud computing products related to Docker and cloud development.
Isabella Ferreira
Ph.D, Polytechnique Montréal
I've been contributing to the TARS Foundation by creating blog posts, videos for the YouTube channel, ebooks, and meetup events. The goal is to attract and retain more contributors in the TARS Community.
Junhua WANG
Platform Technical Director, Longtu Game
With work experiences in IBM, Dream City, and Longtu Games, Wang is devoted to software development and technology management, and more research and practice on microservices and container technology.
Neil OU
Backend Architect, China Literature
With more than ten years of experience in software development, refactoring, and migration, Neil has been committed to enterprise-level development in the fields of automobile, media, and banking. Later, he transitioned into the Internet industry and served as a technical expert in Alibaba's large entertainment Youku business group. He is currently working as a general platform architect for China Literature Group.
Shudong RUAN
CTO, UpChina
With many years of backend distributed development experience, Ruan is TARS core maintainer.
Suwen Kuang
Senior Engineer, Tencent
Kuang is one of the core developers of TarsGo framework and works in the commercial development center of Tencent Tencent Kandian (TKD). Kuang has participated in the construction and operation of multiple open source projects such as distributed link tracking and TarsGo. Currently, he is mainly responsible for the development of the information flow advertising system and the daily maintenance of the TarsGo framework. He is an expert in high concurrency and high availability architecture, microservices governance, etc.
Senior Software Engineering Manager, Microsoft
Liang is the lead of the TARSPHP open source project. He previously worked at Tencent and was responsible for the backstage development of corporate QQ and QQ official accounts. A member of the TSF development team of Tencent's open source projects, he has extensive experience in building high-performance WEB backends and microservice governance. He currently serves as a backend technical manager at Microsoft Enterprise Search.
Tian Tian
Senior Engineer, Tencent
With rich experience in distributed architecture design & development and project practice, Tian has in-depth research on microservices architecture and containerization technology. A TARS core developer, Tian is the lead of Tencent service grid open source collaboration and is responsible for Tencent game value-added service cloud platform architecture's design and development.
Timmy YU
Technical Expert, China Literature
Yu is a backend development expert of China Literature Group, focusing on the technical design of China Literature Group's user center service and that of TarsJava. In China Literature, he led the applications of TARS microservices in overseas projects and red sleeve emerging projects, which illustrates the stability of TARS architecture in business scenarios with high traffic and rapid changes. He is a contributor to Tencent's open source TARS project, with in-depth practical experience in handling RPC and K8S microservices.
Senior Engineer, Tencent
Currently working in Tencent's IEG Value-Added Services Department, Zhang is responsible for operating system and project development. Previously worked in China Literature Group, Zhang was responsible for the development, structural design, performance tuning of the ‎Starting Point Chinese Website.
Technical Consulting Manager, Accenture
Gu focuses on digital transformation, scaling agility, microservices architecture, DevOps, and cloud computing technology and practice landing.
Javier Rosales
AI developper, Airudi
Javier is a speaker who is passionate about giving tips and gathering people to discuss technology in the local community.
Yuanyuan Kong
Senior Backend Developer, China Literature
Senior backend engineer of China Literature, responsible for the business development of Red Sleeve server and development of public framework. He has rich experience in development, tuning, and efficiency improvement in business scenarios such as high concurrency, sudden increases in traffic, and rapid iteration to ensure high availability of servers. A contributor to TarsJava in the areas of local startup, automatic pull configuration, code refactoring, etc.
Zhiyuan Ju
Zhiyuan Ju from Zhiliu Technology ( is actively maintaining project construction and community ecosystem as Apache APISIX PMC. In addition, he is also committed to guiding more people to learn about Web projects and is the core organizer of freeCodeCamp in China.
Li Tak Ho Alex
Executive Director, Guangdong Digital Research Institute
In 2011, Dr. Li established the Association "Made in Hong Kong Preferred (Innovative Technology Focus)" to promote Hong Kong technology to Hong Kong and China, contributing to the innovation and tech industry. In 2019, he founded the International Smart Pole Ecosystem Development Co., Ltd. to formulate smart pole hotplug standards. It is the deputy director unit of the hotplug module professional committee of the Guangdong Smart Pole Industry Alliance. It is also a reference to the Guangdong Provincial Smart Pole Standard and the TD Alliance Industry Standard unit. The company generally promotes the smart pole hot plug module standard interface, reduces the development and market threshold of smart pole application products, simplifies the production process to promote the innovative development of smart pole mounting applications, and enhances the innovative development and competitiveness of China's 5G applications.
Chao Zhang
System Enigneer,
Apache APISIX PMC,OpenResty Contributor, Open Source Enthusiast
Senior System Architect, VoerEir AB
Love to work for Open source community , excited to learn more into the area of Edge computing , microservices and platform as a service . Have been engaged in managing various communities in India including Openstack , Opendaylight and Akraino-LFedge. Want to learn about TARS project in details and want to be evangelist for the same in prompting it in India.
Fei Fei
Principal Engineer, Ampere Computing
Fei Fei focuses on the performance and efficiency evaluation of computer servers. Especially, he has many years of experience in microarchitecture and the underlying performance of X86, POWER and ARM64 processors. Currently, he is dedicated to enabling ARM servers, evaluating and fine-tuning server performance in the Cloud-native fields.
Chuqin Zhuo
Engineer, Tencent
Zhuo is in the Tencent Healthcare division.
Jun Lv
Doctor, Nanjing University
Lv is committed to microservice architecture research and architecture quality analysis. He participated in a number of microservice architecture projects. His current research interests lie in architectural smells analysis, detection, and reconstruction.
Hin Yang
Director,Linux Foundation APAC
Hin Yang is currently the director of Linux foundation APAC, responsible for the development and operation of AI and edge computing in China and LF Training. He has more than 20 years of experience in the software industry and held senior positions in Saba, Sumtotal, Computer Associates and other large international software companies. He has rich experience in enterprise-level software and application development, as well as open source community operation and digital transformation.
Raphael Gab-Momoh
Bairny&Co Consulting, Cloud Engineer
I am a versatile devops practitioner & cloud engineer with years of experience that is always seeking to leverage proven continuous deployment skills to raise quality outcome . I have worked on solutions that met reliability, low latency, high availability and security best practices using open-source tools such as Git, Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, cloud foundry and others. I find TARS protocol as a very interesting I am currently studying towards the certification and would like to introduce it my work place and also our clients if my boss approves and also would to love preach about it in this part of the world.
Yang Zhang
Nanjing University
Yang Zhang is a master's student at Nanjing University. He has participated in the project to migrate the TARS Framework to the Arm architecture and the related testings.
Isah Idris
Udacity, Independent Consultant (Cloud Native Architecture)
"I am a Cloud Engineer, Lover of Cloud-Native Applications, Distributed Architecture, Serverless Computing with core expertise in Linux Systems Administration, Infrastructure Design, Cloud-Native deployment, System Scaling, Monitoring, Observability, and Security. I have deployed, maintained and secured Open Source projects, such as Kubesphere (Hybrid Multi-Container Platform), Linux on the AWS cloud, and on-premise Linux Bare metal OS. I have also deployed Cloud Foundry (Multi-Cloud as service), ArgoCD, Kops and others, while leveraging my skills from AWS Cloud Architect, DevOps Engineering, AWS Cloud Developer and Cyber Security.