Protocol parser is an important design concept of tarscpp service model. It enables the server implemented by tarscpp to support almost any protocol, including your customized network protocol.
In short:
Tarscpp2.0 has made great changes to protocol parsing, the main purpose is to reduce the memory copy when processing network packets. After optimization, tarscpp2.0 has a performance improvement of more than 30% compared with 1.X version
We know that we can quickly implement an HTTP service through tarscpp. Seehttp server, the core of it is:
void HttpServer::initialize()
addServant<HttpImp>(ServerConfig::Application + "." + ServerConfig::ServerName + ".HttpObj");
addServantProtocol(ServerConfig::Application + "." + ServerConfig::ServerName + ".HttpObj",&TC_NetWorkBuffer::parseHttp);
That is, the protocol parsing function of servant (here HttpObj) is specified: `
You can implement this function yourself. In tarscpp1. X version, its function is defined as follows:
typedef std::function<int(string &, string &)> protocol_functor;
such as:
int parseHttp(string &in, string &out)
In this protocol parsing, there are actually several memory copies, such as truncating in, copy to out, which will bring a lot of performance loss. Therefore, tarscpp2.0 has made improvements to this problem
The prototypes of the protocol of tarscpp2.0 are as follows:
typedef std::function<PACKET_TYPE(TC_NetWorkBuffer &, vector<char> &)> protocol_functor;
such as:
TC_NetWorkBuffer::PACKET_TYPE parseHttp(TC_NetWorkBuffer &in, vector<char> &out)
To avoid memory copy, several functions are designed in TC_NetworkBuffer, which you may need to use:
The input binary protocol is: the total length of the first four bytes (byte order) packets + specific content
static TC_NetWorkBuffer::PACKET_TYPE pushResponse(TC_NetWorkBuffer &in, vector<char> &out)
size_t len = sizeof(tars::Int32);
//The total length of the packet is less than 4 bytes, and the packet is not received completely
if (in.getBufferLength() < len)
return TC_NetWorkBuffer::PACKET_LESS;
string header;
//Get the first 4 bytes
in.getHeader(len, header);
assert(header.size() == len);
tars::Int32 iHeaderLen = 0;
//Convert the first four bytes into byte order and store them in iHeaderLen
::memcpy(&iHeaderLen, header.c_str(), sizeof(tars::Int32));
iHeaderLen = ntohl(iHeaderLen);
//If the package is too small or too long, throw an exception directly, and the framework will close the connection
if (iHeaderLen > 100000 || iHeaderLen < sizeof(unsigned int))
throw TarsDecodeException("packet length too long or too short,len:" + TC_Common::tostr(iHeaderLen));
//The length of the received package is less than iheaderlen, and it has not been collected completely
if (in.getBufferLength() < (uint32_t)iHeaderLen)
return TC_NetWorkBuffer::PACKET_LESS;
//It has been collected. Get the buffer of iheaderlen and put it in out
in.getHeader(iHeaderLen, out);
//Move iHeaderLen bytes back
//Returned package has been received
return TC_NetWorkBuffer::PACKET_FULL;
Actually, this protocol has been implemented and can be used directly: TC_NetWorkBuffer::parseBinary4
Note: enable the third-party protocol. On the web management platform, the protocol needs to be selected during deployment: NOT TARS protocol!!
For the tars framework, the client callers are managed by the communicator class (all languages in this class). The remote server agent is created by the communicator to complete the communication with the server
Under normal circumstances, both the clients and the servers communicate through the tars protocol, but in some cases, your service may need to call another service(not tars service). At this time, the common practice is that you need to implement protocol parser and network communication by yourself, and the communicator of the tars can set protocol parser to complete the communication between the clients and other services
see demo: cpp/example/CustomDemo/CustomClient
string sObjName = "TestApp.CustomServer.TestPushServantObj@tcp -h -t 60000 -p 9300";
_prx = _comm.stringToProxy<ServantPrx>(sObjName);
Then set the protocol parser of request package and response package:
ProxyProtocol prot;
prot.requestFunc = pushRequest;
prot.responseFunc = pushResponse;
Use when sending a request `
ResponseRequest rsp;
_prx->rpc_call(_prx->tars_gen_requestid(), "doCustomFunc", buf.c_str(), buf.length(), rsp);
The function prototype of pushRequest is as follows:
typedef std::function<vector<char> (const RequestPacket &, Transceiver *)> request_protocol_functor;
The member function of _prx agent: rpc_call & rpc_call_async is used to send the data of custom protocol to the server. Its function prototype is as follows
virtual void rpc_call(uint32_t requestId, const string& sFuncName, const char* buff, uint32_t len, ResponsePacket &rsp);
virtual void rpc_call_async(uint32_t requestId, const string& sFuncName, const char* buff, uint32_t len, const ServantProxyCallbackPtr& callback, bool bCoro = false);
Note: the parameters requestId, sFuncName and sBuffer are assigned to iRequestId, sFuncName and sBuffer of RequestPacket
for example:
//The overall package structure is: 4 bytes length + 4 bytes requestid + data buffer
static vector<char> pushRequest(const RequestPacket& request, Transceiver*)
//Total packet length
unsigned int net_bufflength = htonl(request.sBuffer.size()+8);
unsigned char * bufflengthptr = (unsigned char*)(&net_bufflength);
vector<char> buffer;
memcpy(, bufflengthptr, sizeof(unsigned int));
unsigned int netrequestId = htonl(request.iRequestId);
unsigned char * netrequestIdptr = (unsigned char*)(&netrequestId);
memcpy( + sizeof(unsigned int), netrequestIdptr, sizeof(unsigned int));
memcpy( + sizeof(unsigned int) * 2,, request.sBuffer.size());
return buffer;
Next, look at the processing of response packet reception. The response packet is the definition of function:
typedef std::function<PACKET_TYPE(TC_NetWorkBuffer &, ResponsePacket &)> response_protocol_functor;
Take customResponse in CustomClient as example:
//The response packet decoding function decodes the data received from the server according to the specific format and resolves it to theResponsePacket
static TC_NetWorkBuffer::PACKET_TYPE customResponse(TC_NetWorkBuffer &in, ResponsePacket& rsp)
size_t len = sizeof(tars::Int32);
if (in.getBufferLength() < len)
return TC_NetWorkBuffer::PACKET_LESS;
string header;
in.getHeader(len, header);
assert(header.size() == len);
tars::Int32 iHeaderLen = 0;
::memcpy(&iHeaderLen, header.c_str(), sizeof(tars::Int32));
iHeaderLen = ntohl(iHeaderLen);
if (iHeaderLen > 100000 || iHeaderLen < (int)sizeof(unsigned int))
throw TarsDecodeException("packet length too long or too short,len:" + TC_Common::tostr(iHeaderLen));
if (in.getBufferLength() < (uint32_t)iHeaderLen)
return TC_NetWorkBuffer::PACKET_LESS;
//parse requestId
tars::Int32 iRequestId = 0;
string sRequestId;
in.getHeader(sizeof(iRequestId), sRequestId);
rsp.iRequestId = ntohl(*((unsigned int *)(sRequestId.c_str())));
len = iHeaderLen - sizeof(iHeaderLen) - sizeof(iRequestId);
//parse buffer
in.getHeader(len, rsp.sBuffer);
return TC_NetWorkBuffer::PACKET_FULL;
Examples of asynchronous calls:
class CustomCallBack : public ServantProxyCallback
virtual int onDispatch(ReqMessagePtr msg)
if(msg->response->iRet != tars::TARSSERVERSUCCESS)
cout << "ret error:" << msg->response->iRet << endl;
// cout << "succ:" << string(msg->response->, msg->response->sBuffer.size()) << endl;
return msg->response->iRet;
CustomCallBackPtr cb = new CustomCallBack();
prx->rpc_call_async(prx->tars_gen_requestid(), "doCustomFunc", buf.c_str(), buf.length(), cb);
Last note: