Table of contents
Updated at 2020-03-20 16:00:22


Create service

Run,create go service, If there is a syntax error during execution, try use: dos2unix

sh $GOPATH/src/ [App] [Server] [Servant]
for example: 
sh $GOPATH/src/ TestApp HelloGo SayHello

After the command is executed, the code will be generated to gopath, and the directory will be named as APP/Server. The specific path will also be prompted in the generated code.

[root@1-1-1-1 ~]# sh $GOPATH/src/ TestApp HelloGo SayHello
[create server: TestApp.HelloGo ...]
[mkdir: $GOPATH/src/TestApp/HelloGo/]
>>>Now doing:./ >>>>
>>>Now doing:./Server.go >>>>
>>>Now doing:./Server.conf >>>>
>>>Now doing:./ServantImp.go >>>>
>>>Now doing:./makefile >>>>
>>>Now doing:./Servant.tars >>>>
>>>Now doing:client/client.go >>>>
>>>Now doing:vendor/vendor.json >>>>
# runtime/internal/sys
>>> Great!Done! You can jump in $GOPATH/src/TestApp/HelloGo
>>> After editing the tars file, use the following to automatically generate the go file
>>>       $GOPATH/bin/tars2go *.tars

Define interface file

The interface document defines the request method, parameter field type, etc. for reference to the description of the interface definition document, ref: kai-fa/

n order to test our definition of an echoHello interface, the client request parameter is a short string such as "tars", and the service response is "Hello tars"

# cat $GOPATH/src/TestApp/HelloGo/SayHello.tars 
module TestApp{
interface SayHello{
     int echoHello(string name, out string greeting); 

Note: the out modifier key in the parameter identifies the output parameter

Server development

First, the tars protocol file is transformed into the form of golang language.

$GOPATH/bin/tars2go SayHello.tars

Now start to implement the logic of the server: the client sends a name, and the server responds to Hello name.

cat $GOPATH/src/TestApp/HelloGo/SayHelloImp.go
package main

type SayHelloImp struct {

func (imp *SayHelloImp) EchoHello(name string, greeting *string) (int32, error) {
     *greeting = "hello " + name
     return 0, nil

Note: The function name should be capitalized, and the rules for exporting methods in go language should be followed

Compile the main function, the initial code and the implementation of the tars framework.

cat $GOPATH/src/TestApp/HelloGo/HelloGo.go

package main

import (


func main() { //Init servant
	imp := new(SayHelloImp)                                    //New Imp
	app := new(TestApp.SayHello)                                 //New init the A JCE
	cfg := tars.GetServerConfig()                               //Get Config File Object
	app.AddServant(imp, cfg.App+"."+cfg.Server+".SayHelloObj") //Register Servant

Compile the build executable and package the release package.

cd $GOPATH/src/TestApp/HelloGo/ && make && make tar

The executable HelloGo and distribution package HelloGo.tgz will be generated

Client development

package main

import (


//Only need to initialize once, global
var comm *tars.Communicator
func main() {
        comm = tars.NewCommunicator()
        obj := "TestApp.HelloGo.SayHelloObj@tcp -h -p 3002 -t 60000"
        app := new(TestApp.SayHello)
         // if your service has been registered at tars registry
         comm = tars.NewCommunicator()
         obj := "TestApp.HelloGo.SayHelloObj"
         // tarsregistry service at 
         comm.SetProperty("locator", "tars.tarsregistry.QueryObj@tcp -h -p 17890")
        comm.StringToProxy(obj, app)
        reqStr := "tars"
        var resp string
        ret, err := app.EchoHello(reqStr, &resp)
        if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("ret: ", ret, "resp: ", resp)
  • import/TestApp is generate by tars2go prev step
  • Obj specifies the address port of the server. If the server is not registered in the master, you need to know the address and port of the server and specify it in obj. In the example, the protocol is TCP, the address of the server is local address, and the port is 3002. If there are multiple servers, you can write 'TestApp.HelloGo.SayHelloObj@tcp -h -p 9985:tcp -h -p 9983' so that the request can be distributed to multiple nodes.
  • If the service has been registered with the master, you do not need to write the server address and port, but you need to specify the master address when initializing the communicator.
  • comm is communicator,For communication with the server, it needs to be global


# go build client.go
# ./client
ret:  0 resp:  hello tars 

HTTP Server development

Tarsgo supports HTTP services. Follow the above steps to create a good service. The processing of HTTP requests in tarsgo is encapsulated in go native, so it is very easy to use.

package main

import (

func main() {
	mux := &tars.TarsHttpMux{}
	mux.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		w.Write([]byte("Hello tars"))
        cfg := tars.GetServerConfig()
	tars.AddHttpServant(mux, cfg.App+"."+cfg.Server+".HttpSayHelloObj") //Register http server

In addition, you can directly call other tar services in the same way as mentioned in "client development".
